This web page provides links to other Internet and WWW resources that may be of interest and which did not fit anywhere else in our WWW page structure.

Many of the other pages on our server also have links to interesting resources. For example, the Fax Technology page provides resources related to facsimile communications in general while our Strategic Partners page provides links to companies that have relationships with Faximum Software Inc. or that have products which complement our own offerings.

Happy surfing!

Links to Other Canadian Web Servers

The Central Index of Canadian WWW Servers, Second Edition, is now up and available for public browsing.

Someone at Carnegie-Mellon University maintains the The Canadian Resource Page which is an excellent collection of Internet resources related to Canada.

Links to Other BC Web Servers

There are two lists of W3 servers in British Columbia. The one maintained by the Victoria Free-Net is in alphabetical order while the one maintained by the Vancouver Free-Net is grouped by organisation type.

BC Web Servers By Name (Victoria Free-Net List)

BC Web Servers By Type (Vancouver FreeNet List)

(West) Vancouver Community and Culture Pages

These pages provide some information on West Vancouver community and selected cultural events in the area.